Lubavitch doesn’t just provide a range of services - Lubavitch exists to help you.
If what you are looking for is not on this list, we will find or create a program to help you.
Phone 0161 929 9999 or email help@elubavitch.com

& Teenagers
in need
Substance abuse e.g. Drugs, alcohol www.jewishrecovery.org.uk
Holiday camp fund, keeping kids off the street www.holidaycampfund.org.uk
Aliya Youth Project www.aliyayouth.org.uk
Chanukah presents for needy children. www.chanukahgift.org
Support for Learning Disabilities www.friendshipcircle.org.uk
Mental health advice and support. www.kidstrust.org.uk
Early intervention and Parenting support. www.aliyayouth.org.uk
Children on the child protection register www.aliyayouth.org.uk
Clothes and toys bank.
Supporting Vulnerable children and teens www.aliyayouth.org.uk
Jewish Learning Institute https://www.myjli.com/
Shabbos Candle Site www.Fridaylight.org.uk
One to one Learning www.jnet.org
Women’s site www.JewishWoman.org.uk
Jewish Birthday site www.Jewishbirthday.org.uk
Internet and Websites www.chabad.org
Traditional crafts of the Jewish people project. www.jewishcraft.org.uk
Ask the Rabbi – www.askmoses.com
Jewish Learning institute www.jli.org.uk
Festival outreach Succah mobile etc www.chabad.org/holidays
Conversion - https://www.theus.org.uk/article/conversion-2
Get / Divorce - https://www.theus.org.uk/article/divorce-0
Email Torah www.chabad.org
Festival Guides
Torah Classes
Informal Education

& Outreach

Chabad Community care
Love letters from local school children
Phone buddies
Garden singers
Newsletters and activity packs
Hospital visitations
Luncheon clubs
Home visits
Shopping assistance and lifts
Elderly Day centre
Yom Tov programmes, visits and gifts
Meals on wheels
Counselling support and advocacy
For more information please contact sivanne@chabadcommunitycare.org
or phone landline: 0161 929 9999 mobile: 07836319035
Loans and grants
Help with finances and budgets
In case of imminent homelessness
Housing support
Rent and food bills
Gift in Kind program
Distribution of household items, beds, couches, toys, tables and chairs etc.
Register of need
Clothes distribution
Food distribution
For more information please contact sivanne@chabadcommunitycare.org
or phone landline: 0161 929 9999 mobile: 07836319035


Jewish kids website www.Jewishkids.org.uk
Teen clubs and Counselling www.AliyaYouth.org.uk
Interactive 'hands on' education www.Jewishcraft.org.uk
Disability programmes www.friendshipcircle.org.uk
Internet resources and websites
Summer camps
Yomtov Fundays
One to one private tutoring programs
Support and events for children in non Jewish school
Chabad on Campus www.chabadoncampus.uk
Supporting people in non kosher relationships
Keeping our 'singles' part of the community through events and personal contact.
Events and gatherings to allow Jewish singles to meet.

& Singles

Family Programs
Supporting Single Mums www.Eemacare.uk
Bereavement support www.chabad.org/death
Kaddish Trainer www.kaddish.org.uk
Kaddish Saying www.saykaddish.com
Shabbos and Yomtov Dinners
Weekend Retreats and Shabbatons
Hebrew reading courses
Kitchen koshering
Mezuzah & tefilin checking
Shopping delivery
Crisis Support
Disability support
Bereavement support
Referral to CAB & other support organisations.
Potential eviction
For more information please contact sivanne@chabadcommunitycare.org
or phone landline: 0161 929 9999 mobile: 07836319035